Direct R&D subsidy

We support companies with their research and throughout the entire

application process for direct funding

Direct R&D subsidy

We support companies with their research and throughout the entire

application process for direct funding

Direct subsidies

It is our goal that you successfully get your direct subsidy.

The subsidies in Austria are manifold. It is made possible to implement new, innovative projects.

In Austria, in addition to basic research, topic-oriented and non-topic-oriented research in the field of industrial research, experimental development and for demonstration projects are funded. The aim is to support innovation, research and development in Austria. Public funding for research and development is mainly provided in the form of direct grants, loans and guarantees from the EU, federal government, provinces and municipalities for a project that is clearly defined in advance. This means that the research and development activities must not have started before the approved funding application.

The term “research” is defined according to § 108c EStG and the ordinance issued for this purpose. In addition, the Frascati Manual (2015), the OECD Handbook on Research Statistics is also used to define the term. Included are:

New developments such as prototypes or pilot plants

New and further developments of products

New and further developments of processes

Experimental development

Also failed research and development

The requirements, the beneficiaries and the procedure depend on the respective subsidy. The possibilities for claiming direct subsidies must therefore always be examined individually. However, applications for direct subsidies must always be submitted before the start of the project. The amount of direct subsidies depends on

the planned project
the size of the company
the form of cooperation between the project partners

There are a large number of subsidy programs and initiatives and there are navigation aids from public institutions and subsidy agencies that provide an overview of the subsidies. They are available online and free of charge. For comprehensive and customized advice on your subsidy options, please contact us and take a look at our service portfolio For further information, please also refer to the following websites:

Funding Compass: The Funding Compass is a service of the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit) and supports companies throughout Austria in their search for subsidies for research & technology.

FFG Wegweiser: The FFG Wegweiser is a service of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency and supports companies in their search for subsidies and services offered by the FFG.

AWS Fördernavigator: The AWS Fördernavigator is a service provided by Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH and supports companies in their search for subsidies and services offered by AWS.

WKÖ funding database: The funding database of the Austrian Economic Chambers provides an overview of business subsidies in Austria. The filters for the categories project location, priority action and text help you to narrow down your search results accordingly.

There are around 70 funding programs and initiatives at national level in the areas of research, technology and innovation. National funding agencies are entrusted with tendering and implementing the funding programs and initiatives. For companies, the most important national funding agencies are the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), the Austria Wirtschaftsservice (AWS), the Christian Doppler Gesellschaft (CDG) and the Climate and Energy Fund.


FFG Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH, Vienna: The Austrian Research Promotion Agency is the national funding institution for business-related research and development in Austria. With the aim of strengthening the business location and the innovation system in Austria in the long term, funding loans, non-repayable grants, etc. are awarded as part of various funding programs and initiatives.


AWS Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH, Vienna: Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH is the federal government’s development bank and grants low-interest loans, subsidies and guarantees to support companies in the implementation of innovative projects, business start-ups or expansions.


Climate and Energy Fund, Vienna: The Climate and Energy Fund supports the development and implementation of climate-relevant and sustainable energy technology.


Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH, Vienna: Kommunalkredit Public Consulting, which emerged from the former trust management department of Kommunalkredit Austria AG in 2003, has set itself the goal of making a sustainable contribution to environmental, economic and social development through the management of funding programs and targeted consulting activitis

The term “research” is defined according to § 108c EStG and the ordinance issued for this purpose. In addition, the Frascati Manual (2015), the OECD Handbook on Research Statistics is also used to define the term. Included are:

New developments such as prototypes or pilot plants

New and further developments of products

New and further developments of processes

Experimental development

Also failed research and development

The requirements, the beneficiaries and the procedure depend on the respective subsidy. The possibilities for claiming direct subsidies must therefore always be examined individually. However, applications for direct subsidies must always be submitted before the start of the project. The amount of direct subsidies depends on

  • the planned project
  • the size of the company
  • the form of cooperation between the project partners

There are a large number of subsidy programs and initiatives and there are navigation aids from public institutions and subsidy agencies that provide an overview of the subsidies. They are available online and free of charge. For comprehensive and customized advice on your subsidy options, please contact us and take a look at our service portfolio For further information, please also refer to the following websites:

Funding Compass: The Funding Compass is a service of the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit) and supports companies throughout Austria in their search for subsidies for research & technology.

FFG Wegweiser: The FFG Wegweiser is a service of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency and supports companies in their search for subsidies and services offered by the FFG.

AWS Fördernavigator: The AWS Fördernavigator is a service provided by Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH and supports companies in their search for subsidies and services offered by AWS.

WKÖ funding database: The funding database of the Austrian Economic Chambers provides an overview of business subsidies in Austria. The filters for the categories project location, priority action and text help you to narrow down your search results accordingly.

There are around 70 funding programs and initiatives at national level in the areas of research, technology and innovation. National funding agencies are entrusted with tendering and implementing the funding programs and initiatives. For companies, the most important national funding agencies are the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), the Austria Wirtschaftsservice (AWS), the Christian Doppler Gesellschaft (CDG) and the Climate and Energy Fund.


FFG Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH, Vienna: The Austrian Research Promotion Agency is the national funding institution for business-related research and development in Austria. With the aim of strengthening the business location and the innovation system in Austria in the long term, funding loans, non-repayable grants, etc. are awarded as part of various funding programs and initiatives.


AWS Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH, Vienna: Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH is the federal government’s development bank and grants low-interest loans, subsidies and guarantees to support companies in the implementation of innovative projects, business start-ups or expansions.


Climate and Energy Fund, Vienna: The Climate and Energy Fund supports the development and implementation of climate-relevant and sustainable energy technology.


Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH, Vienna: Kommunalkredit Public Consulting, which emerged from the former trust management department of Kommunalkredit Austria AG in 2003, has set itself the goal of making a sustainable contribution to environmental, economic and social development through the management of funding programs and targeted consulting activities

Information brochure

Find out more about subsidies in our information brochure.

Information brochure

Find out more about subsidies in our information brochure.